
Man where to start here... Well hell I guess I should start out by introducing
myself to those just visiting that don't know. My name is Jake and I'm an internet junkie... I have alot to share. So years
back I thought I would start my own website. And it's quickly grown to the site you see before you. I have a lot of different
apsect and hobbies in my life most of which have their own dedicated page. For the most part I'm quirky loud and opinionated.
All traits that make me the great guy I am to this day LOL.
As far as all the personal stuff goes. Well I'm 31 now 5'10"(ish) College educated. Father
of some great boys. And currently engaged to an awesome woman. Again more on all those details in their own pages.
what made me decide to make up a personal website?? Simple Supply and Demand. Basically when I first got on the net I used
to visit all the chat rooms and do the usual geek shit of meeting new people online and going through the stupid ass routine
of the A/S/L bullshit. Then if you get going into an actual conversation it was "Hey got a pic?" and then they start with
all the interest and stuff to see what if anything you would have in common. Bascially Internet dating at it's best. Yea it
was dumb but strangely enough millions of people still do this concept. They think their soul mate is only a few clicks away.
And that somehow someway some chick From Maine is a perfect match for some guy in L.A. (the thought process of some people
I swear)
But I fell into it. You just wouldn't beleive the crap people will tell perfect strangers on the net simply
because they can't see them. I guess it's like going to confessional or something. Strange. to say the least.
So to
ease the overwhelming inquiries of A/S/L and all that other utter bullshit people wanted to know before they would evern bother
with a "hi how are you today??" I decided to make this informative site to show everyone that wanted to know exactly who I