This would be the youngest. He can be sweet and innocent one second then turn around and be a typical only child wanna
be the next. But I wouldn't trade him for the world .
Devin really makes life unique. When he's his sweet innocent self he could brighten up a room with just his smile. Although
I'll be the first to admit he has his wild side. (totally blame his mother HAHA just kidding) He likes to play soccar and
this year he decided to join me and Branden in BMX racing.
Not sure what else I could add that I find appropriate for the web. I'll just let the pics speak for themselves.
Hey Dad this is gonna be my car right??
Devin- Proud member of Team KBCO BMX. Chirstmas Classic 2005
Devin at Cedar point. 2005 Grinnin for the camera
Wut you talking bout dad....?