My Grandfather
been 10 years since Ive heard the voice of my grandfather. Yet I can still hear his voice as if her were next to me. You see
Grandpa Stan had a very distinguished voice. If you heard it once youd never
forget it. When one of the grandkids would start crying about whatever upset them at the time. Gramps in his big husky voice
would yell out Hey whos singing that crybaby song? And while a few times it would upset us even more and make us cry louder
most of the time it would shut us up and make us smile. Gramps also played the role of Santa every year, as he defiantly looked
the part. The best way I could possibly describe him is true John Wayne style. It doesnt matter what movie, every time I see
one it instantly reminds me of him. Quite possibly because of the fact that some of my earliest memories are sitting in his
lap watching them.
you maybe asking yourself why loosing my grandfather had just an profound impact on my life. I mean we all loose our grand
parents right? Well mine was taken from me and my entire family in very violent way. You see my grandfather was murdered.
back in October of 1993 my grandfather was down state doing some ashphalt work
like he always did every summer since his retirement from GM. And growing up in the area he felt pretty safe no matter where
he was in Flint.
So he choose to stay at a motel that well even I wouldnt stay in. Theres more to it than that though. You see my grandfather
was also entertaining a female friend of his. While my grandmother stayed up north in their house. When sometime during the
night. (as best as could be described to me) there was a knock on the door in which my grandfather got up to answer it. Now
grandpa being the fine lover of many beers was probably out of it anyways. But as soon as he answered the door he was stabbed
through the neck. And then violently stabbed through his abdomen and ripped up into his chest cavity. Now over the years I've
heard several theories of what happened and who did it. Some say a transiet that was killing "johns" was in the area. Others
say the mistress's son did it. I've personaly never been told if it was ever solved or not. Not being the closest grandkid
(that honor would go to my cousin James) maybe they all think I just don't care enough to know. But they are wrong. If for
nothing more than to put my own mind at rest I would rather know what happened than not.
Now I know what some of you might be thinking. That cheating bastard probably got what was coming.
Well your wrong. And heres why. Grant you he wasnt perfect. He was defiantly human and had such flaws. But he loved my grandmother
for everything she could be. He always made sure bills were paid food was on the table and that she was treated like the queen
mother herself. Of course this is coming from the eyes of a grandchild. So I'm sure there were aspect of his life the grandkids
were never privy too.
The thing that really puzzles me is the fact that I can still "feel" him around. Maybe I'm nuts or something
I don't really know. But I know that this being his 10 year anniversery since his death his presence hasn't faded. I feel
drawn to his place of death. It's like I'm being called back to the sceen of the crime to reveal something that was missed.
I've never actualy been in the room where grandpa was killed. I could never muster the fortititude to walk through the door.
I've always had a "keener" sence of thing so to speak. and everytime I drive by that place It sends a chill up my spine. Although
lately it's been getting stronger and stronger. So just possibly one of these days I'll go see what's been calling me out
at night in my dreams.
Now as to why this changed my life. Well it's the first death of a close reletive in
my life that I had to deal with. and it being such a violent sensless death it made it even harder to comprehend what death
was about. I mean to never hear his voice and his wisdom again. To see the impact it made on my father (his dad was his idol)
and his siblings first hand was nothing short of unexpected. To never see him in a santa suit passing out presents again has
left a hole in the holiday spirit for 10 years now. And the fact that my own children would never even know what kind of man
he was is rather depressing at times.
I hope wherever he ended up he's pain free and happy. I know he's just sitting somewhere waiting
for Grandma to show up one day. Because He's got alot of explaining to do ; )