Good thing I've come along to help you out on this lovely trip. First off lets get rid of a few myths here. This is actually
a reletivly simple job and if it's your first time tackling this you shouldn't have any issues getting it done in about an
hour or so.
Top View of Heater Core Hoses
Before you Can remove the Heater Core though you'll have to remove the 2 heater core lines connected to it from the engine
side. Of course to do this your going to want your engine nice and cool your cooling system unpressurized. Also it's a good
idea to get a bucket or something to collect the coolant that will spill all over the place. Pending on which way you decide
to tackle this you can get to the lines either from the top of the engine (for smaller arms only) or jack up your car and
get to the hoses from the bottom. I have included pics of either way.
Looking up the firewall underneath the car at the hoses
Here's a pic of your heater Core and some new much better clamps. You always gonna want to put on new clamps. Thier so
cheap and it would be a total shame to have a cooling failure over a bad clamp when you can get them for under a buck. (Besides
I absoultly hate the pressure clamp style anyways)
Take your new core and place it through the holes in the firewall. Now I persoanly go out and hook up my Hoses at this
stage I'm not sure if clamping down the 2 straps yet holding the heatercore on would effect anything or not. I just hate laying
on my back on the floorboard and then having to get up and out over and over. Once the hoses are hooked up get back under
the consol replace the straps and put the seal back in the cover and put everything back together.